

单词 New Deal
释义 ˌnew ˈdeal ( New Deal)


[] policies introduced by a government or an organization to help a region, group of people, etc. return to normal after a difficult period新政,新政策(政府或机构为帮助一个地区、群体等在困难时期之后恢复正常而推出的政策)Under the New Deal, unemployed people will be offered six months' training with a company.根据新政,失业人员将参加一家公司组织的为期 6 个月的培训。New Deal the policies introduced in the US in the 1930s by President Roosevelt with the aim of helping the economy return to normal新政(20 世纪 30 年代美国总统罗斯福为复苏经济而采取的一系列政策)




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