

单词 nominal
释义 nominal /ˈnɒmɪnl; NAmE ˈnɑːm-/


being sth in name only, and not in reality名义上的;有名无实的;不真实的He remained in nominal control of the business for another ten years.他名义上又掌管了这家公司十年。(about a sum of money) very small and much less than the normal cost or change(款额)很小的,象征性的We only pay a nominal rent for the office space.对办公场地,我们只支付象征性的一点租金。They bought the company for a nominal €20.他们只付了区区 20 欧元就买下了这家公司。used to describe a size or quantity that is stated on a product but may not be the exact size or quantity标示的(产品上标示的尺码或数量,可能不精确) () used to describe a rate or other figure that refers to current prices or numbers, but has not been changed to consider the effects of inflation 名义的;(价格或数量)未剔除通货膨胀因素的5% nominal GDP growth5% 的名义国内生产总值增长Nominal wages remain the same, while real wages (= the amount you can buy with this money) are falling.名义工资不变,而实际工资正在下降。 real ˈnominally /ˈnɒmɪnəli; NAmE ˈnɑːm-/


He was nominally in charge of the company.名义上他管理着这家公司。




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