

单词 open
释义 open /ˈəʊpn; NAmE ˈoʊpn/


[] if a shop/store, bank, business, etc. is open, it is ready for business and will admit customers or visitors开放的;营业的We are open between 9 and 6.我们的营业时间是上午 9 点至下午 6 点。 OPP closed [] open to sb if a competition, building, etc. is open to particular people, those people can enter it(比赛、建筑物等)对特定群体开放的The tender is open to both UK and international publishers.这次招标英国和国际出版商均可参加。 [] open (to sb) to be available and ready to use可得到的;可使用的What options are open to us?我们有什么选择?We'll keep the job open for you until you can come back to work.在你回来工作之前,我们将为你保留这个职位。open to sth (about a person) willing to listen to and think about new ideas(人)思想开明的,不固执己见的They are open to offers for the high street business.对于繁华商业大街的经营,他们很欢迎人们前来洽谈。(about a question) requiring sb to answer with an opinion rather than with ‘yes’ or ‘no’(问题)开放的,需要阐明观点的 SYN open-ended have/keep an ˌopen ˈmind (about/on sth)to be willing to listen to or accept new ideas or suggestions愿意聆听(或接受)意见;思想开明





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