

单词 open
释义 open /ˈəʊpn; NAmE ˈoʊpn/


[] (about a shop/store, business, etc.) to start business for the day; to start business for the first time(商店、企业等)开始营业,开业What time do the banks open?银行什么时候开门?The company opened its doors for business a month ago.这家公司一个月前开业。 close down, close sth down at close [] to start an activity or event开始;着手to open a bank account开设银行账户 [] to start a computer program or file so that you can use it on the screen打开,启动(计算机程序或文件) [] if shares, currencies, etc. open at a particular price, they are worth that amount when people start trading them at the beginning of the day开盘;开盘价(为)The group's shares opened down 6%.这个集团的股票开盘下跌 6%。 [] if a meeting opens or sb opens it, it starts宣布(会议)开幕Who is going to open the conference?谁来宣布会议开幕? [] to make it possible for goods, people, etc. to come through让(货物、人等)通行;开放When did the country open its borders to Western business?这个国家是什么时候向西方企业开放边界的? OPP close open ˈdoors for sb to provide opportunities for sb to do sth and be successful为…敞开大门;提供良机A good CV/résumé will open doors for you.一份好的简历会为你带来机会。open the ˈfloodgates (to/for sth) the floodgates ˈopen (to/for sth)to start a process that is very difficult to stop打开匣门If their case is successful it could open the floodgates to more damages claims against the industry.他们的案件一旦胜诉,就可能打开针对该行业的损害赔偿索赔的大门。 ˌopen sth ˈup ˌopen ˈupto become or make sth possible, available or able to be reached(使某事物)成为可能,可得到,可达到The new catalogue will open up the market for our products.这本新的商品目录将会为我们的产品打开市场。Exciting possibilities were opening up for her in the new job.新工作给她带来了令人兴奋的发展前景。to begin business for the day开门;营业I open up the store for the day at around 8.30.我每天早晨 8:30 左右开店门营业。to start a new business开张;开业New banks are opening up all over town.城镇里到处都有新的银行开业。 OPP close down, close sth down





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