

单词 organisation
释义 organization , organisation /ˌɔːgənaɪˈzeɪʃn; NAmE ˌɔːrgənəˈz-/


[] a group of people who form a business or other group together in order to achieve a particular aim组织;团体;机构He's the president of a large international organization.他是一个大型国际组织的总裁。the World Trade Organization世界贸易组织The proposals were discussed at all levels of the organization.这些提案在机构的各层都进行了讨论。a business / commercial / profit-making organization商业/商务/赢利性机构 a charitable / non-profit organization慈善/非年利组织 a high-performance / large / small organization高效率的/大/小机构 to build / create / form / head / manage / run an organization建立/创立/成立/领导/管理/经营一个机构 to join / leave an organization参加/离开组织 [] the act of making arrangements or preparations for sth组织工作;筹备工作I leave most of the organization of these conferences to my assistant.我将这些会议的大部分筹备工作留给了我的助手。 SYN planning careful / efficient / poor / smooth organization细致/高效/差/顺利的组织工作 to lack / need / take organization缺乏组织;需要/做组织工作 [] the way in which the different parts of sth are arranged安排;配置;分配The report studies the organization of labour within the company.这份报告研究了公司内部的人力分配问题。 SYN structure organizational, organisational /ˌɔːgənaɪˈzeɪʃənl; NAmE ˌɔːrgənəˈz-/


[] organizational change/structure组织上的变化;组织结构organizational skills/ability组织技巧/能力
functional organization International Labour organization virtual organization




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