

单词 percentage
释义 percentage /pəˈsentɪdʒ; NAmE pərˈs-/


[, ] the number, amount or rate of sth, expressed as part of a total which is 100; a part or share of a whole百分比;百分率The percentage of sales to Greece has risen.对希腊的销售百分比提高了。A high percentage of the female staff are part-time workers.大部分女员工是兼职工作人员。The figure is expressed as a percentage.这个数值以百分比表示。the percentage rise in the average salary平均工资的增长百分比Interest rates are expected to rise by one percentage point (= 1%).预计利率将上升一个百分点。a high / large / low / small percentage高/低百分比 to calculate / estimate a percentage计算/估计百分比 a percentage gain / growth / increase / loss / rise百分比涨幅/增长/增加/下降/上升 [, ] a share of the profits of sth利润的分成;提成He gets a percentage for every car sold.每售出一辆汽车他就可以得到一定比例的提成。Expressing percentages <chn/>Percentages (= numbers of per cent) are written in words as twenty-five per cent and in figures as 25%. 百分比可以用文字表述,如百分之二十五,也可以用数字表述,如 25%。If a percentage is used with an uncountable noun or a singular noun the verb is generally singular. 百分比与不可数名词或单数名词搭配使用时通常采用单数动词20% of their electricity is generated by wind power. 他们 20% 的电力是风力发电。If the noun is singular but represents a group of people, the verb is singular in NAmE but in BrE it may be singular or plural. 如果是集体名词,在美式英语中使用单数动词,在英式英语中既可以使用单数动词也可以使用复数动词Eighty per cent of the work force is/are against the strike. 百分之八十的劳动者反对罢工。If the noun is plural, the verb is plural. 如果名词是复数,动词用复数90% of our customers are under the age of 25. 我们 90% 的顾客年龄在 25 岁以下。




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