

单词 price
释义 price /praɪs/


[, ] the amount of money that you must pay for sth价格;价钱house/retail/oil/share prices房屋/零售/石油/股票价格He managed to get a good price for the car.他设法将汽车卖了个好价钱。Coffee prices have fallen by 15% this year.今年咖啡价格下跌了 15%。The store has put up the prices of many basic items.这家商店已提高了许多基本商品的价格。We plan to sell 10 000 units at a price of €15 each.我们计划出售 1 万件,每件 15 欧元。The price charged to customers may be changed.向顾客收取的价格可能会变动。Can you give me a price for the work (= tell me how much you will charge)?请问做这份活儿要多少钱?Shoppers are unwilling to pay full price for electrical goods.购物者不愿全价购买电器产品。It's amazing how much computers have come down in price over the past few years.过去这几年,计算机的价格降幅之大,简直令人惊讶。 price cut   see note at increase a competitive / high / low / reasonable price具有竞争力的价格;高/低价;合理的价格 falling / rising prices下跌/上升的价格 to increase / put up / raise prices上调/提高/抬高价格 to cut / lower / slash prices削减/压低/降低价格 price increases / reductions / rises价格提高/减少/上升 at a ˈpricecosting a lot of money以高价;花大钱You can buy strawberries in England all year round, but at a price.在英格兰草莓一年到头都能买到,但很贵。put a ˈprice on sthto say how much money sth valuable is worth(为贵重物品)定价,作价They haven't yet put a price on the business.他们还没有给这笔业务作价。   idiom at ballpark after-hours price asked price asking price ask price base price basic price best price bid price buying price cash price consumer price cost price current prices cut-price delivered price demand price discount price equilibrium price exercise price factory price fixed-price forward price guide price half-price initial price intervention price invoice price issue price issued price law of one price list price market clearing price market price mid-price net price nominal price offering price offer price off-price overpriced popular price pump price purchase price reservation price reserve price retail price sale price selling price share price spot price sticker price stock price street price strike price striking price supply price threshold price trade price transfer price unit price upset price wholesale price price / charge / commission / cost / fee / rate <chn/>These words are used to talk about the money that you pay for something. 这些词都用来指为某物所支付的金钱。Price is used about goods and other things that are traded in large numbers or amounts. * price 用于大宗货物car/electricity/food/share prices 汽车/电力/食品/股票价格the average selling price of a home 房屋的平均售价Fee [countable] and charge [countable] are usually used about money that you pay for a service. * fee 和 charge 指服务费A service charge of 10% is added to the bill. 另收 10% 的服务费。legal/accounting fees 律师/会计费Charge [uncountable] can also be used about a product or service that is free. * charge 还可用于免费的产品或服务The manual is available free of charge. 本手册免费提供。There is no charge for delivery. 免费送货。Unlike a price, fee or charge, the cost of something is not advertised but needs to be calculated. It is the amount of money that you need to spend in order to buy, make, build or produce it. 与 price、fee 或 charge 不同,cost 是不公开的,但需要计算在内。它指购买、制造、建造或生产某物必需花费的金额The total cost of the building was several million euros more than budgeted. 这建筑的总成本比预算高出数百万欧元。Rate is used when the price of the product or service is fixed according to its size, weight, length, etc.. * rate 用于指按照尺寸、重量、长度等计算后得出的产品或服务的价格Our standard rate is $89 per night for a single room. 我们单人间的标准价格是每晚 89 元。Commission is money that is paid to an agent for selling something on behalf of somebody else. Although the commission comes from the money paid by the buyer, its size is decided between the seller and agent and is not always advertised. * commission 是委托他人代卖产品而付给代理人的报酬。尽管佣金来自购买者支付的钱款,其数额由销售者和代理人协商决定,且通常不公开。





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