

单词 private
释义 private /ˈpraɪvət/


[] owned, managed or provided by an individual person or an independent company, rather than by the state私立的;私营的;民营的a private law firm私人律师事务所 private medical insurance私人医疗保险There is no shortage of private funding for biotechnology.不缺乏支持生物技术的私人资金。 OPP public private company [] working or acting for yourself rather than for the state or for an organization or a company个体的;私人的;独立的A group of private investors got together to buy the company.一群私人投资者一起买下了这家公司。As a private IT consultant he could earn ten times what he made as an employee.作为一名私人信息技术顾问,他赚的钱是当雇员时的十倍。belonging to or for the use of a particular person or group; not for public use私有的;私用的;自用的This car park is private.这个停车场是私人的。A number of their clients have their own private jets.他们的多位客户拥有自己的私人飞机。The share documents were found among her private papers. 在她的私人文件中找到了共享文件。 OPP public (; ) [] sold only to particular people or organizations; not offered to the public in general to buy私人的;非公开的a private sale of $1.25 billion of shares非公开出售 12.5 亿元的股票 OPP public intended for or involving a particular person or group of people; not for people in general to attend or know about私人的;秘密的The council held a private meeting this morning.理事会今天上午举行了一个秘密会议。The letter was marked ‘Private’.这封信标有“亲启”字样。 OPP public [] not connected with your work or official position与工作(或官职)无关的;私人的;个人的You should not make private calls from the office.你不应该从办公室打私人电话。She had some private business to attend to.她有些私事要处理。 SYN personal ˈprivately


One in three rented properties is privately owned.出租房产中有三分之一是私有的。a privately funded organization私人出资的机构Can we speak privately?我们可以私下谈谈吗?
go ˈprivate take a company ˈprivate
() if a company whose shares are sold on the stock market goes private, it becomes independent by buying back shares from shareholders; to make a company independent in this way公司下市(上市公司的下市意味着这家公司通过从股东手中购回股票开始独立经营)a plan for the public utility companies to go private公共事业公司下市的计划




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