

单词 produce
释义 produce


/prəˈdjuːs; NAmE -ˈduːs/ [] to make or grow things to be sold, especially in large quantities(尤指大批量)生产;制造a factory that produces microchips生产微芯片的工厂The firm produces 25 million tons of steel a year.这家企业每年生产 2500 万吨钢。The sports shoes are produced in Indonesia, China and Vietnam.运动鞋产于印度尼西亚、中国和越南。Florida growers produced 42 million boxes of grapefruit last year.佛罗里达州的种植者去年出产了 4200 万箱葡萄柚。 manufacture to cause a particular result or effect引起;导致;使产生Price increases have produced extra revenues for oil exporters.价格上涨给石油输出国带来了额外的收入。The drug can produce serious side effects.这种药物可产生严重的副作用。 mass-produce Production <chn/>The plant produces 120 trucks a day. 这家工厂每天生产 120 辆卡车。They manufacture chemicals. 他们生产化学品。They turn out about 14 million televisions annually. 他们年产大约 1400 万台电视机。The agency is still churning out new ads. 这家代理商仍在粗制滥造新广告。The new cars began rolling off the production line in July. 新型汽车于 7 月份下线。





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