

单词 promote
释义 promote /prəˈməʊt; NAmE -ˈmoʊt/


[] to help sth to happen or develop促进;推动policies to promote competition in the industry促进行业内部竞争的政策 () [] to help sell a product, service, etc. or make it more popular by advertising it or offering it at a special price促销;推销Promoting new products and getting them accepted in the marketplace is expensive.推销新产品并且让市场接受新产品是费用高昂的事。The area is being promoted as a tourist destination.这个地区正被推广为旅游点。The supermarket chain has been promoting aggressively.超市连锁店一直在进行声势浩大的促销活动。 () [] (often be promoted) to move sb to a more senior job in an organization提升;晋升She worked hard and was soon promoted.她努力工作,不久就得到晋升了。He has been promoted to assistant manager of the department.他已晋升为这个部门的助理经理。 SYN upgrade OPP demote () [] to move a company to a higher position within a particular system, such as a stock exchange index(在股票交易所等系统中,公司位置的)晋升The company's shares have been promoted to the FTSE All-Share index.这家公司的股票已晋升到《金融时报》全股指数之列。 SYN upgrade OPP demote




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