

单词 reach
释义 reach /riːtʃ/


[] the number of people that can see or hear sth, buy a product, use a service, etc.(产品或服务等的)购买人数;(节目的)受众The company's reach never went beyond 1% of the country's PC market.这家公司的消费者购买率从来没有超过国内个人电脑市场的 1%。The Internet can extend your customer reach in more ways than one.互联网能在很多方面扩大顾客面。a global / an international / a massive / wide reach全球/国际/大规模的/广泛的接触率 to expand / extend / increase your reach扩大/扩展/增加顾客人数 reaches [] particular sections of an organization, a system, etc.(组织、系统等的)领域,部门An MBA degree is often a passport into the upper reaches of management.工商管理硕士学位常常是通往高层管理部门的通行证。the higher / lower / upper reaches of sth某事物的高/低/上层 beyond/out of sb's ˈreach beyond/out of (the) reach of sbcosting more than sb can afford超过支付能力Rising property prices have put an ordinary house beyond the reach of many buyers.不断上涨的房地产价格使许多买家买不起普通房屋。within sb's ˈreach within (the) reach of sbcosting an amount that sb can afford负担得起Rising incomes are putting cars within the reach of many more families.不断增加的收入使更多的家庭能买得起汽车。





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