

单词 recommend
释义 recommend /ˌrekəˈmend/


[] to tell sb that they should do sth, especially because you have expert knowledge建议The report recommended an $11 pay increase.报告建议工资增加 11 元。We recommend that our shareholders vote in favour of the proposal.我们建议我们的股东投票赞成这项提案。to tell sb that sth is good and useful推荐;介绍80% of dentists recommend this product.80% 的牙医推荐这种产品。The new restaurant comes highly recommended (= a lot of people have praised it).这家新餐厅口碑极好。to suggest sb for a particular job or task because you think they would do it well推荐(人);举荐At the meeting, the board will recommend an auditor.在会上董事会将推荐一位审计师。




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