

单词 recommendation
释义 recommendation /ˌrekəmenˈdeɪʃn/


[] a suggestion about the best thing to do, especially by sb with expert knowledge建议;提议The review's recommendations could have a big impact on many boardrooms.这次审查中提出的建议可能会对许多董事会决策产生很大影响。Merrill Lynch cut its recommendation on the stock from ‘buy’ to ‘neutral’.美林证券将其对这支股票的推荐意见从“买入”降级为“中性”。 [] the act of telling sb that sb or sth is good, useful, suitable, etc.推荐;介绍26% of non-executive directors are appointed on the recommendation of family or friends.26% 的非执行董事是根据家人或朋友的推荐任命的。 [] a product that sb says is good推荐的产品The book is one of this week's recommendations.这本书是本周推荐的图书之一。




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