

单词 recover
释义 recover /rɪˈkʌvə(r)/


[] to improve and begin to return to a normal position or level after a period of difficulty恢复常态;复原The market is recovering from its 20-year low.市场正从 20 年来的最低点回升。She made two big mistakes and her business has never recovered.她犯了两个大错,之后生意一蹶不振。 [] to get back money that has been spent or lost收回;追回Investors have formed an action group to recover their lost money.投资者组成了一个行动小组以讨回他们损失的资金。The company has set itself the target of recovering its investment within five years.这家公司已为自己制订了五年之内收回投资的目标。 SYN recoup () [] recover costs/damages to obtain money by a legal process because of loss or injury that you have suffered取得(损害赔偿)There have been delays in recovering damages from the supplier for faulty machines.从供应商处获得因机器故障造成的损害赔偿一事出现了耽搁。 [] to get oil, minerals, etc. from the ground开采(石油、矿物等)




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