

单词 return
释义 return /rɪˈtɜːn; NAmE rɪˈtɜːrn/


(; ) [, ] the amount of profit or income that you get from a particular investment回报;投资利润;收益In the grocery business a 2% to 3% return on sales is considered healthy.就杂货生意而言,2%–3% 的销售利润率被认为是蛮不错的了。Equities have produced higher returns than bonds.股票比债券的回报高。Shareholders are expecting to see some return from their investment.股东正期待获得一些投资回报。 earnings , yield a good / high / strong return可观的/高的/高额的收益(率) a low / modest / poor return低/有限的/欠佳的收益(率) an annual / average return年/平均收益率 a negative / positive return负/正回报 to achieve / make a return实现/赚取回报 to deliver / produce / show / yield a return给予/带来/显示/产生收益 [] an official report or statement that gives particular information about sth to an official body报告;陈述;申报a VAT return增值税报告The vendor must file a final sales return within ten days from the date of sale.卖主必须自销售之日起 10 天之内提交一份最终的销售报告。to do / file / make / submit a return写/提交/撰写/呈递报告 () []


tax return () ( ˌproduct reˈturn) [] goods that a customer has bought or ordered and then returned; the act of returning a product退货All returns must be packed in the original packaging. 所有的退货必须用原始包装。Product returns are accepted up to 90 days from date of invoice.从开具发票之日起 90 天内可接受产品退货。 [] ( reˈturn key []) the button that you press on a computer when you reach the end of an instruction, or to begin a new line返回键;回车键To exit this option, press return.要退出这个选项,就按返回键。 by reˈturn (of ˈpost) () using the next available post; as soon as possible由下一班邮递;尽快Please reply by return of post.请即赐复。
accounting rate of return annual return diminishing return rate of return sale or return sales return tax return total shareholder return




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