

单词 ride
释义 ride /raɪd/


(rode /rəʊd; NAmE roʊd/, ridden /ˈrɪdn/) [] to deal with a difficult or dangerous situation and survive without being harmed安然渡过(难关或危险)The fund has ridden the bear market since last autumn's launch.这支基金自去年秋天发行后已安然渡过熊市。She rode the Internet boom.她安然渡过互联网的繁荣时期。 be riding for a ˈfallto be doing sth that involves risks and that may end in disaster做事莽撞;做冒险事The stock markets were riding for a fall.股票市场要出事。be riding ˈhighto be successful or very confident取得成功;信心十足ride (on) the ˈcoattails of sb/sth ride sb's/sth's ˈcoattailsto benefit from sb else's success得益于别人的成功;得到…之帮助We've been riding on the coattails of the New York rally.我们一直受益于那次纽约集会。ride a/the ˈwave of sthto enjoy or be supported by the particular situation or quality mentioned受益于;乘…之势We've been riding the wave of the Italian food craze.我们一直得益于意大利食品热潮。 ˈride on sthto be supported by or to follow a particular situation or change支撑;随…而定Interest rates on mortgage loans have been riding on an uptrend.抵押贷款利率一路走高。 (usually used in the continuous tenses 通常用于进行时) to depend on sth依靠;依赖于My whole future is riding on this interview.我的前程全靠这次面试。ˌride sth ˈoutto manage to survive a difficult situation or time without having to make great changes安然渡过(难关);经受得住 free rider





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