

单词 risk
释义 risk /rɪsk/


[, ] the possibility of sth bad happening at some time in the future风险;危险Going into partnership allows us to share the financial risks.合伙经营可以使我们分担金融风险。There is still a risk that the whole deal will fall through.整笔买卖化为泡影的风险仍然存在。Any business venture contains an element of risk.任何商业投资都包含一定的风险。The high risk deters many investors.高风险使许多投资者望而却步。a big / great / high / low / small risk大/巨大的/高/低/小风险 a growing / real / serious risk (of sth)(某事物的)不断增长的/真正的/严重的风险 economic / financial / health / personal / security risks经济/金融/健康/个人/安全风险 to avoid / face / increase / reduce risk避免/面对/增加/减少风险 the risks associated with / involved in / posed by sth与某事物有关的风险;陷入某事物的风险;因某事物造成的危险 () [] the possibility that an asset may rise or fall in value(资产升值或贬值的)风险an investment with a high degree of risk高风险投资These stocks are ideal for investors who do not want too much risk.对于不想冒太大风险的投资者而言这些股票最理想。to carry / take on risk带有/承担风险 high / low risk高/低风险 () [, ] the possibility of loss or damage, that sth is insured against险种The goods are insured against all risks.货物已投保一切险。The policy offers protection against the risk of damage.这份保险单承保损坏险。to cover (for) / insure against / protect against (a) risk投保(某种)险 [] a good/bad/poor risk a person or business considered from the point of view of whether they are likely to pay back money they borrow, have an accident, etc.风险很小/很大的保险对象With five previous insurance claims, we're now seen as a bad risk.由于已有五次保险索赔,我们现在被当成高风险保险对象。The business seemed a good risk and the bank approved the loan.这家企业似乎风险很小,银行批准了贷款。 at ˈriskin danger of being lost or damaged; in danger of losing sth or being injured遇到风险;有危险Five thousand jobs are at risk.五千个职位有被裁减的危险。Taxpayers felt that their money was being put at risk.纳税人觉得他们的钱正面临损失的危险。do sth at your ˌown ˈriskto do sth even though you have been warned about the possible dangers and will have to take responsibility for anything bad that happens自担风险;责任自负If you send a credit-card number by fax, you do so at your own risk.用传真发送信用卡号码者后果自负。   idiom at owner , run verb, take verb all-risk buyer risk buyer's risk carrier's risk country risk credit risk currency risk execution risk foreign currency risk insurance risk interest-rate risk inventory risk liquidity risk market risk occupational risk systematic risk systemic risk unsystematic risk





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