

单词 roll
释义 roll /rəʊl; NAmE roʊl/


roll up your ˈsleevesto start to work hard准备努力工作;摩拳擦掌He was prepared to roll up his sleeves and work on the shop floor.他捋起袖子准备到车间去干活。   idiom at head noun ˌroll sth ˈbackto reduce a tax, price, rate, etc., usually back to a previous level降低,削减(税收、价格、利率等)The policy is designed to roll back rising insurance rates.这项政策旨在降低不断上升的保险费率。 rollback ˌroll ˈin(about money, orders, profits, etc.) to arrive or appear in large quantities(钱、订单、利润等)大量涌入,滚滚而来The orders kept rolling in.订单源源不断。The product was a huge success and the money rolled in.这产品获得巨大的成功,金钱滚滚而来。ˌroll ˈoff sth(about a product) to be produced, usually in large numbers, in a factory(批量)生产By next year, 60 000 cars will be rolling off its assembly lines.到明年将有 60 000 辆汽车下线。   see note at produce ˌroll ˈout ˌroll sth ˈoutto introduce a new product, service or technology by gradually making it available to more people; to become available in this way正式推出(新产品、服务或技术)The new service is to be rolled out next year.这项新服务明年推出。to show a new aircraft or vehicle to the public for the first time; to be seen for the first time(飞机、车辆等)面世It will be the world's biggest passenger airline when it rolls out in 2013.到 2013 年面世时,它将是世界上最大的客机。ˌroll ˈover ˌroll sth ˈover
() if money that has been paid into a fund, an insurance plan, etc. and not spent rolls over, or you roll it over, it is included in a new fund(钱)滚动,滚账,转仓The money rolls over each year.这笔资金每年滚账。 rollover
ˌroll sth ˈover
() to take an old debt, loan, etc. and include the money that is owed in a new loan agreement(对信贷)延期,展期to roll over €4.2 billion of debt延期偿还 42 亿欧元的债务The company will be finished if the bank refuses to roll over the loan for a second time.如果银行拒绝贷款再次延期,这家公司就要倒闭了。 rollover
ˌroll sth ˈupto buy several smaller companies and then combine their operations in order to make a more efficient business整合Industry after industry is being rolled up into just a few giant companies.一个又一个行业被合并为几家巨头公司。 roll-up () if an amount of money, such as the interest on an investment, is rolled up, it is not paid regularly, but added to the investment and paid in one amount at the end of the period of the investment利滚利




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