

单词 sale
释义 sale /seɪl/


[, ] an act or the process of selling sth出售;销售regulations governing the sale of vitamins维生素的销售管理法规The sale of assets raised €100 000.资产出售后筹集到 10 万欧元。She gets 10% commission on each sale.她从每笔生意中抽取 10% 的佣金。I haven't made a sale all week.整周我没卖出去一件商品。to close / complete / lose / make a sale商定买卖;完成交易;错过买卖;做成买卖 a sale makes / raises一笔买卖赚了… [] an occasion when a shop/store sells its goods at a lower price than usual大减价;廉价销售The sale starts on 28 December.特价促销于 12 月 28 日开始。the January sales元月大减价(BrE) I bought a coat in the sales (= the period when many shops are selling goods at lower prices).我在大减价期间买了一件外套。sale items/goods特价商品/货物an annual / end-of-season / a summer / winter sale年度/季末/夏季/冬季大减价 to have / hold a sale进行/举行大减价销售 [] an occasion when goods are sold, especially an auction 销售活动;(尤指)拍卖a contemporary art sale当代艺术品拍卖会 for ˈsaleavailable to be bought待售;供出售The company is not for sale.这家公司不出售。The group has put its book business up for sale.这集团正为其图书业务寻找买家。‘for sale’ signs“待售”标志on ˌsaleavailable to be bought, especially in a shop/store(尤指商店里)有售,在售The latest model goes on sale next week.最新款式下周到货。being offered at a reduced price减价出售All DVD players are on sale today and tomorrow only.仅在今明两天所有 DVD 播放机降价出售。 sales   idiom at put verb agreement of sale bill of sale cash sale clearance sale closing-down sale conditional sale conditions of sale credit sale direct sale fire sale forward sale instalment sale point of sale private sale public sale sheriff's sale short sale tax sale trade sale white sale




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