[] () (often be saturated) to supply so much of a product in a particular market that few new customers can be found使充满;使饱和◆The mobile phone market is becoming saturated.移动电话市场正趋于饱和。◆Japan's electronics industry began to saturate the world markets.日本的电子工业开始充斥世界市场。▸saturation /ˌsætʃəˈreɪʃn/
[] ◆Sales of vending machines have fallen because of saturation of the market.自动贩卖机的销售量已经因为市场饱和而下降。◆The market for this product is reaching saturation point(= a situation when few new buyers can be found).这款产品的市场正趋于饱和。◆Has broadband reached market saturation in North America?宽带业务在北美市场已达到饱和了吗?➡ picture at product life cycle