

单词 sell
释义 sell /sel/


(sold, sold /səʊld; NAmE soʊld/) [] sell sth (to sb) (at/for sth) | sell sb sth (at/for sth) | sell (sth) to give sth to sb in exchange for money出售 The company has sold the hotel to private investors for $365 million.公司以 3.65 亿元的价格将酒店卖给了私人投资者。She sold him the car for $2 500.她以 2 500 元的价格把汽车卖给了他。They sold the business at a profit/loss (= they gained/lost money when they sold it).公司出售该企业赚了钱/亏了本。The company expects to sell 300 000 cars a year.公司预计每年出售 30 万辆汽车。422 million mobile handsets were sold worldwide.全球售出手机 4.22 亿部。Shareholders were advised not to sell.建议股东不要出售股份。 short adv. (2) , sale [] to offer sth for people to buy销售Most supermarkets sell a range of organic products.大多数超市都销售各种有机产品。Do you sell stamps?你们销售邮票吗?This product is sold exclusively at one chain of stores.这款产品在一家连锁店独家销售。 sale [] to be bought by people usually in the way or in the numbers mentioned; to be offered at the price mentioned以特定价格销售DVD players now sell for only $80.数字影碟机现仅售 80 元。The book sold well and was reprinted many times.这本书销路很好,已重印多次。The new design just didn't sell (= nobody bought it).新款式根本卖不动。The magazine sells 300 000 copies a week.这种杂志每周销售 30 万册。 [] to make people want to buy sth促销There's no doubt that advertising sells.毫无疑问广告能够促进销售。It is quality not price that sells our products.我们的产品卖得好靠的是质量而不是价格。These cars sell themselves (= they are very easy to sell).这些汽车十分畅销。 [] sell sth/yourself (to sb) to persuade sb that sth is a good idea, service, product, etc.; to persuade sb that you are the right person for a job, position, etc.使赞成;劝人接受;推销Now we have to try and sell the idea to management.现在,我们必须设法说服管理层接受这一观点。You really have to sell yourself at a job interview.应征面试的时候,你真得推销你自己。 sellable /ˈseləbl/


sellable securities适销证券Prada's most sellable collection for years (= easy to sell) 普拉达多年来最畅销的产品系列 sell/go like hot ˈcakesto sell quickly or in great numbers畅销   idiom at bulk noun ˌsell ˈinto sth ˌsell sth ˈinto sth
() to sell shares, bonds, etc. when the situation mentioned exists在…时卖出(股票、债券等)They were forced to sell into a falling market.他们被迫在市场价格下跌时卖出。
ˌsell sth ˈoffto sell all or part of an industry, a company, etc. often at a low price in order to get rid of it甩卖;廉价出售(产业、公司等)In the nineties most state-owned industries were sold off.在九十年代,大多数国有产业都被贱卖了。to sell things cheaply because you want to get rid of them or because you need the money甩卖;抛售to sell off old stock抛售旧股票 sell-off ˌsell sth ˈonto sell to sb else sth that you have bought not long before转售;转手出卖We buy cars abroad and then sell them on to customers in the UK.我们从国外购买汽车,然后再转售给英国的客户。ˌsell ˈout (to sb/sth)to sell your business or a part of your business出售(企业)The company eventually sold out to a multinational media group.公司最终卖给了一家跨国传媒集团。ˌsell ˈout ˌsell ˈout of sth
() to sell particular shares, bonds, etc. that you own, often because they no longer seem to be a good investment抛售(股票、债券等)The bad news prompted foreign investors to sell out of US stocks.坏消息促使外国投资者抛售美国股票。
ˌsell ˈout be ˌsold ˈoutto be all sold卖光;售完A hot product can sell out within 24 hours.热门产品会在 24 小时之内全部卖光。The concert is completely sold out.这场音乐会的票全部卖完了。 sell-out ˌsell ˈout (of sth) be ˌsold ˈout (of sth)to have sold all the available items售空;卖光I'm sorry, we've sold out.对不起,我们的货全部卖光了。Several online retailers have sold out of their stock of the software.几家在线零售商已经将他们库存的软件都卖完了。 sell-out ˌsell ˈthroughif items in a shop/store sell through they are sold to customers出售;卖出A really good guitar will sell through fast.真正好的吉他会卖得很快。 sell-through ˌsell ˈup ˌsell sth ˈup () to sell your home, possessions, business, etc., usually because you are leaving the country or retiring卖光(家当、企业等)They plan to sell up and retire.他们打算卖光家当后退休。 mis-sell




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