

单词 serve
释义 serve /sɜːv; NAmE sɜːrv/


[] to provide an area or a group of people with a product or service(向某地区或群体)提供产品(或服务)These firms serve local markets.这些企业供应本地市场。The town is well served with buses and major road links.这个小镇有众多公交线路,通往主干公路也很方便。 [] to deal with people, especially customers, and give them what they need(向顾客)提供服务We are looking for ways to serve our customers better and faster.我们正在寻求更好更快地向顾客提供服务的途径。The website will focus on serving the needs of small business customers.这个网站将着力于满足小企业顾客的需要。 [] to give sb food or drink, for example at a restaurant端上,摆出(食物或饮料)Breakfast is served between 7 and 10 a.m.上午 7 时至 10 时供应早餐。 [] () to help a customer or sell them sth in a shop/store接待;侍候;招待Are you being served?有人接待您吗?There was only one person serving behind the counter.柜台后面只有一个人负责接待。 [] to spend a period of time in a particular job, especially a senior one, or training for a job供职;实习She served a one-year apprenticeship.她当了一年见习生。He has served as chairman since 2004.他自 2004 年以来一直担任董事长一职。 () [] to give sb an official document or instruction, especially one that orders them to appear in court把…送达;送交to serve a writ/summons on sb把令状/传票送达某人to serve sb with a writ/summons/notice向某人送达令状/传票/通知 serve ˈnotice (on/upon sb) (that …)
() to officially inform sb, often in writing, that you will do sth or that they must do sth正式通知(某人)A landlord is required to serve notice on a tenant of a proposed rent increase.房东须就提高租金事宜向房客发出书面通知。 notice (3,4)
ˌserve sth ˈoutto continue working until a previously agreed period of time has been completed做到期满;学到期满She will serve out her remaining term as a director.她将继续担任董事直至任期结束。(BrE) They didn't want me to serve out my notice.他们不希望我工作到辞职通知的最后期限。




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