

单词 service
释义 service /ˈsɜːvɪs; NAmE ˈsɜːrv-/


[, ] a business whose work involves doing sth for customers but not producing goods; the work that such a business does服务性行业(或企业、业务等)the development of new goods and services 新兴商品和服务项目的开发Smith's Catering Services (= a company) offers the best value.史密斯餐饮服务公司提供最物有所值的服务。How much does the basic phone service cost?基础电话服务费是多少?We can provide a home-delivery service.我们可以提供送货上门服务。There has been considerable growth in the service sector (= the part of the economy involved in this type of business).服务业的增长相当可观。a service industry服务行业to offer (sb) / provide (sb with) a service(向某人)提供服务 to expand / guarantee / improve a service扩展/保证/改进服务 banking / financial / marketing / security / travel services银行/金融/营销/证券/旅游服务 [] help and advice given to customers in hotels, restaurants, shops/stores and businesses(对顾客的)接待,服务The food was good but the service was very slow.菜式很好,但是上菜速度太慢。10% will be added to your bill for service.您付账时要附加 10% 的服务费。We are committed to providing a high quality of service to all our clients.我们致力向所有客户提供高品质的服务。The training aims to improve service levels.这项培训旨在提高服务水平。We guarantee excellent service.我们保证提供优质服务。to give (sb) / offer (sb) / provide (sb with) service(向某人)提供服务 efficient / excellent / good / quality / quick service高效的/出色的/良好的/优质的/快速的服务 bad / poor / slow service劣质的/差劲的/迟缓的服务 [] a system that provides sth that the public needs, organized by the government or a private company公用事业;公共服务体系the ambulance/bus/telephone service救护车/公交/电话服务系统We want to provide a profitable postal service.我们想提供赢利性的邮政服务体系。to offer (sb) / provide (sb with) a service(向某人)提供服务 education / health / postal / social services 教育/医疗卫生/邮政/社会服务 an essential / a vital service必要的/关键的服务 [] an organization or a company that provides sth for the public or does sth for the government公用事业机构(或公司)a debt counselling service债务谘询服务公司the diplomatic service外交部门 [, ] a system of regular buses, trains, planes, etc. that goes to a particular place; a bus, train, plane, etc. that regularly goes at a particular time班次;车次There is now an air service to the island.目前已经有飞往该岛的航班。The 10.15 service to Glasgow has been cancelled.10 时 15 分飞往格拉斯哥的航班已经取消。to lay on / offer / provide a service提供营运服务 to improve / operate / run a service改进/经营运输服务 to cancel / cut / suspend a service取消/削减/暂停营运 a fast / frequent / good / reliable service快速的/频繁的/良好的/可靠的营运服务 [] the work that sb does for an organization, etc., especially when it continues for a long time or is admired very much(尤指长期、受尊重的)服务,工作,效力She has just celebrated 25 years' service with the company.她刚刚庆祝了自己在公司任职 25 周年。The employees have good conditions of service.员工有着良好的工作条件。 [, ] the particular skills or help that a person is able to offer服务(指个人所提供的技术或帮助)You need the services of a good lawyer.你需要找一位好律师帮助你。He offered his services as a driver.他提供驾车服务。 [] the use that you can get from a vehicle or machine; the state of being used使用;使用状况That computer gave us very good service.那台计算机对我们来说很好用。 [] an examination of a vehicle or machine followed by any work that is necessary to keep it operating well检修;维修;保养I had taken the car to the garage for a service.我把汽车送到修理厂去保养了。a service engineer维修技师 be of ˈservice (to sb) () to be useful or helpful(对某人)有用,有帮助Can I be of service to anyone?有谁需要我帮忙吗?   idiom at enter advisory service answering service babysitting service business reply service civil service contract of service customer service debt service employee self service financial services food service full-service in-service Internal Revenue Service marketing services public service room service self-service valet service wire service





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