

单词 shop
释义 shop /ʃɒp; NAmE ʃɑːp/


(-pp-) [] to buy things in shops/stores去商店购物to shop for food去商店购买食品He likes to shop at the local market.他喜欢在当地市场买东西。go shopping [] to spend time going to shops/stores and looking for things to buy逛商店;购物There should be plenty of time to go shopping before we leave New York.我们离开纽约之前应该有足够的时间去逛逛商店。 [] () to buy things at a particular shop/store在特定商店购物Thank you for shopping Land's End.感谢您光临“天涯海角”。 [] () to try to sell sth such as a company by talking about it to people who might buy it兜售;游说The owner may not want it known that he is shopping the company. 企业主也许不想让人知道他想把公司卖掉。 ˌshop aˈroundto compare the quality or prices of goods or services that are offered by different shops/stores, companies, etc. so that you can choose the best货比三家后再购买Shop around for the best deal.要货比三家之后买最划算的。





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