

单词 shot
释义 shoot /ʃuːt/


[] (shot, shot /ʃɒt; NAmE ʃɑːt/) (used with an adverb or a preposition 与副词或介词连用) to increase very quickly飚升;快速增长Profits shot up 40% last year.去年利润飚升了 40%。The dollar briefly shot above 120 yen.美元短暂升至 120 日元以上。   see note at increase (used with an adverb or a preposition 与副词或介词连用) to become important, powerful, famous, etc. suddenly or quickly迅速变得重要(或强大、出名等)They think he will shoot to the top of the company.他们认为他将很快升到公司最高层。She shot to fame by building up the company from nothing into a stock market star.她把公司从默默无名做成股票市场上的明星,由此迅速成名。 overshoot , undershoot ˈshoot for sth () to try to achieve or get sth, especially sth difficult努力争取We've been shooting for a pay raise for months.几个月来,我们一直在争取加薪。




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