

单词 size
释义 size /saɪz/


[] one of a number of standard measurements in which clothes, shoes and other goods are made and sold尺码;号What size do you take?你穿多少码?The jacket is the wrong size.这件夹克衫的尺码不对。I need a bigger/smaller size.我需要一件尺码更大/更小的。The T-shirts come in three sizes: small, medium and large.这些 T 恤有三种尺码:小号、中号和大号。Our tents are available in a range of sizes.我们有各种尺码的帐篷。The glass can be cut to size (= to the exact measurements) for you.玻璃可以按你要求的尺寸进行切割。(in adjectives) having the size mentioned(用于形容词)…型号的,…尺码的a medium-sized market中等规模的市场a pocket-size camera袖珍照相机a trial-size pack of coffee咖啡试用包 ˌone size fits ˈallused to describe an item of clothing that can be worn by people of most sizes and shapes(服装)均码的used to describe a situation where one action, policy, solution, etc. is considered suitable for everybody(行动、政策、解决办法等)通用的,放之四海而皆准的a one-size-fits-all approach to training一种适合所有人的训练方法One size does not fit all when it comes to life insurance.没有一种人寿保险能适合所有人。 economy-size full-size king-size palm-size





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