

单词 skill
释义 skill /skɪl/


[] the ability to do sth well技巧;技艺The job requires skill and an eye for detail.这项工作需要技巧以及敏锐的眼光。She has managed her team with great skill.她以超强的能力管理着她的团队。to need / require / take skill需要技巧 to have / lack skill (at/in sth)拥有/缺乏(做某事的)技巧 considerable / extraordinary / great skill重要的/突出的/精湛的技艺 [] a particular ability or type of ability, especially one that needs training and experience to do well技术;技能young people wanting to learn a practical skill想学习实用技术的年轻人She had to develop a whole new set of skills when she changed jobs.她换工作时不得不学习掌握一套全新的技术。There is a serious skill shortage (= there are not enough people with skills) in the construction industry.建筑行业严重缺乏技术工人。The IT industry is very skill-intensive (= requires a large number of skilled workers).信息技术行业是技术人员密集型产业。 people skills analytical / business / organizational / social skills分析/业务/组织/社交技能 communication / interpersonal / management skills沟通/人际交往/管理技巧 computer / practical / technical skills计算机/实用/专业技术 to have / lack / possess skills拥有/缺乏/具有技能 to acquire / develop / learn skills获得/掌握/学习技术 to broaden / improve / sharpen / upgrade skills拓宽/加强/磨炼/提升技能 to apply / use skills应用/采用技术




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