[] () ( ˌmarket-skimming ˈpricing) the practice of setting the price for a new product high at first in order to make as much profit as possible and then lowering it gradually to attract more customers, for example when other companies create competition撇脂式定价策略◆Price skimming is used when a company has a unique product.当一家公司拥有独有的产品时,往往会采用撇脂定价法。➡ idiom at skim () () the illegal practice of not telling the government about part of your profits in order to avoid paying tax(为逃税而进行的)瞒报盈利行为 () the illegal practice of copying information that is stored electronically on a credit card in order to use it without the owner's permission盗取信用卡信息(通过电子设备读取真实的信用卡磁条上的信息,并以电子方式拷贝到伪造的卡上)