

单词 suspend
释义 suspend /səˈspend/


[] to officially stop sth for a time; to prevent sth from being active, used, etc. for a time暂停;中止;使暂停发挥作用(或使用等)to suspend payments/talks暂停支付/会谈Production has been suspended while safety checks are carried out.在进行安全检查期间生产暂停。The shares were suspended from trading for an entire day.股票交易全天停盘。to delay sth; to arrange for sth to happen later than planned暂缓;延缓;推迟The introduction of the new system has been suspended until next year.新制度推迟到明年才引入。 () (usually be suspended) to officially prevent sb from doing their job for a time使暂时停职He has been suspended on full pay while the complaint is investigated.在投诉调查期间,他被暂时停职,工资全额照发。Two more employees have been suspended from their jobs.又有两名员工被暂时停职。




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