

单词 takeover
释义 takeover /ˈteɪkəʊvə(r); NAmE -oʊ-/


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() an act of taking control of a company by buying most of its shares接收,接管,收购(通过购买公司大部分股份控股)The airline has announced details of the planned takeover of its rival.这家航空公司宣布了拟订的收购其竞争对手的细节。The bank is considered a potential takeover target.这家银行被看作是潜在的收购对象。Were they right to reject the $3.5 bn takeover offer?他们拒绝了 35 亿元的收购要约,这样做明智吗?The company eventually won a bitter takeover battle for Videotron with a $5 million bid.这家公司以 500 万元的出价最终赢得了收购 Videotron 公司的艰苦收购战。a failed / successful / an unsuccessful takeover失败的/成功的/不成功的收购 a rescue / an unsolicited takeover救助性/主动收购 to accept / contest / reject a takeover接受/竞争/拒绝收购 an all-share / a cash takeover全股/现金收购 a takeover approach / attempt / battle / deal / offer收购方式/尝试/战/协议/要约 a takeover candidate / target潜在的收购对象;收购目标 anti-takeover reverse takeover Takeovers and mergers <chn/>A takeover is when a company offers to buy all or most of the shares of another company. The company being bought may be bigger or smaller than the company offering to buy it, and the owners of both companies may or may not agree about the conditions of the sale. If they do agree, the takeover is friendly. If not, it becomes a hostile takeover. * takeover (收购)指一家公司出价购买另一家公司全部或大部分股份。被收购的公司规模可能小于也可能大于收购它的公司,双方公司的所有者就出售的条件可能达成一致,也可能未达成一致。如果他们达成一致,这种收购就是 friendly (善意的),否则就是 hostile takeover (敌意收购)。A merger involves two companies of a similar size agreeing to join together and become a single company. This can involve a takeover in which the one company buys the other's shares and pays for these with some of its own shares, or the owners of both companies can agree to exchange their shares for shares in a new company. * merger (合并)指两家规模相当的公司同意合并成一家公司。这可能经由一场 takeover (收购),其中一家公司用自己的部分股票购买对方的股份,也可能两家公司的所有者同意用各自的股份换取新公司的股份。




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