

单词 test
释义 test /test/


[] an experiment to discover whether or how well sth works, or to find out more information about it测试;试验;检验Market tests showed that €80 was too high a price.试销显示,80 欧元的定价过高了。They demonstrated a test version of the software.他们展示了这个软件的测试版。I'll run a diagnostic test to see why the server keeps crashing.我将进行诊断测试以弄清服务器总是崩溃的原因。test engineers测试工程师to conduct / do / perform / run a test实施/进行/执行/运行测试 a test proves / reveals / shows / suggests sth测试证明/显示/表示/显示某事 an examination of sb's knowledge or ability, consisting of questions for them to answer or activities for them to do考试;测验All candidates must take an English test.所有应征者都必须参加英语考试。to do / sit / take a test参加考试 to fail / pass a test考试不及格/及格 a situation or an event that shows how good, strong, etc. sb/sth is检验Sales of the latest model will be a key test of whether the company's change of image has worked.最新型号的销售情况将是检验公司的形象转变是否成功的关键指标。a big / crucial / good / key / tough test重大的/决定性的/很好的/关键的/严格的检验 an important / the ultimate test重要的/根本性的检验 put sb/sth to the ˈtestto put sb/sth in a situation which will show what their true qualities are使某人/某事受检验All of her negotiating talents were put to the test.她全部的谈判才能要经受检验。   idiom at stand verb alpha test aptitude test beta test blind test field-test hall test market test means test psychological test psychometric test recognition test





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