

单词 think
释义 think /θɪŋk/


think on your ˈfeetto be able to think and react to things very quickly and effectively without any preparation反应迅速;才思敏捷;行动迅速果断think out of/outside the ˈboxto think in a new or different way in order to solve a problem打破思维定式;不拘泥于传统思维模式;另辟蹊径creative professionals who are paid to think outside the box有酬提供创意点子的专业人士We try to encourage out-of-the-box thinking.我们努力鼓励创新思维。think ˈtwice (about sth/about doing sth)to think very carefully before you decide to do sth三思而后行You should think twice about employing someone you haven't met.雇用素不相识的人时应当三思而后行。 ˌthink sth ˈoutto consider or plan sth carefully彻底思考;认真考虑It's a very well thought out plan.这是一个考虑周全的计划。




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