(threw/θruː/, thrown/θrəʊn; NAmEθroʊn/) ●throw the ˈbook at sb () to punish sb who has committed an offence as severely as possible给予严厉的惩处●throw good money after ˈbadto spend more money on sth, when you have wasted a lot on it already想补偿损失反而损失更多;想捞回损失越发损失;连老本都贴上◆The bank refused the company a further loan as it would be throwing good money after bad.银行拒绝再向该公司提供贷款,因为那样做不但收不回旧账,还会造成新的损失。●throw your ˈhat into the ringto announce officially that you are going to compete in a competition, an election, etc.正式宣布参加竞选(或比赛等)◆He's thrown his hat into the ring for the chief executive's post.他正式宣布参加角逐总裁的职位。●throw your ˈmoney about/around () to spend money in a careless and obvious way乱花钱;挥霍●throw ˈmoney at sthto try to deal with a problem or improve a situation by spending money on it, when it would be better to deal with it in other ways在某事上白白扔钱●throw your ˈweight about/around () to use your position of authority or power in an aggressive way in order to achieve what you want滥施权威◆Although he's only got a few days left as chairman, he's still throwing his weight around.尽管他还有几天就要离开董事长的位置,他仍然趾高气扬。➡ idiom at court noun, deep adj., money , question noun, weight noun●ˌthrow sth aˈway ( ˌthrow sth ˈout) to get rid of sth that you no longer want扔掉;丢弃◆He threw away his laptop after three months and replaced it with a new one.他用了三个月之后就扔掉了自己的膝上型电脑并换了一台新的。to fail to make use of sth; to waste sth浪费;错过◆You must take the exam—you can't throw away all that work!你必须参加考试 ── 不能让你所有的努力都白费了!◆to throw away a chance/an opportunity失去机会➡throwaway ●ˌthrow sth ˈinto include sth with what you are selling or offering, without increasing the price(不提高售价或报价)搭送,附送◆Manufacturers may throw in benefits like training support.制造商可能会附送一些诸如培训支持之类的好处。●ˌthrow sth ˈout
throw sth away (1) to decide not to accept a proposal, an idea, etc.拒绝接受(建议、观点等);否决◆A judge threw out a lawsuit that tried to stop the company building a telecom mast in the area.法官否决了试图阻止这家公司在本地区架设电讯桅杆的诉讼。●ˌthrow sth ˈupto produce sth; to make people notice sth产生;使显眼◆A Web search threw up a couple of useful pages.网络搜索找到了好几个有用的网页。to leave your job辞职◆She threw up her job as a solicitor to become a writer.她辞去律师工作当了作家。to build or make sth in a hurry匆匆建造◆People think you can just throw a website up and customers will find the answers to their questions.人们以为你草草地建个网站,顾客就可以在上面找到他们问题的答案。