

单词 tie
释义 tie /taɪ/


[] (ties, tying, tied, tied) (usually be tied) to connect or link sb/sth closely with sb/sth else联合;连接;使紧密结合Pay increases are tied to inflation.工资的上涨与通货膨胀密切相关。 (usually be tied) to restrict sb and make them unable to do everything they want to约束;束缚;限制He was tied to an unfair contract.他受制于不公平的合同。 tie the ˈknot (with sb/sth) () (used especially in newspapers) to join together with sb/sth else in order to form a single business or organization(尤用于报章)与…联合They are trying to tie the knot with a rival company.他们正试图与竞争对手公司联合。‘Tie the knot’ is an informal way of saying ‘get married’.tie the knot 是 get married 的非正式说法。 ˌtie ˈin (with sth)to match or agree with sth与…相配;与…相符The purchase of the magazine ties in with the company's aim of raising its profile.购买这份杂志与公司提高其知名度的目标是一致的。ˌtie ˈin (with sth) ˌtie sth ˈin (with sth)to link sth or be linked to sth; to happen, or arrange for sth to happen, at the same time as sth else(使)连接在一起,同时进行A special magazine was produced to tie in with the event.为配合这一活动发行了特刊。 tie-in nounˌtie sb ˈinto sb/sthto restrict sb to a particular situation, person, organization, etc.限制;束缚;牵制They were tied into an agreement to buy from particular suppliers.他们受协议所限,只能从特定的几家供货商那里进货。ˌtie sb ˈup (usually be tied up) to keep sb busy so that they have no time for other things把…缠住;使不能分身I'm tied up in a meeting until 3.我要开会到 3 点钟方可脱身。ˌtie sth ˈup (often be tied up) to invest money so that it is not easily available for use占用,搁死(资金)He cannot retire as his money is all tied up in the company.因为他的钱全投进了公司,所以他不能退休。 (usually be tied up) to connect or link sth to sth else把…联系起来;使与…有关系The brand's strength is tied up with the image of the company's owner.品牌的实力与公司所有者的形象有关。to deal with all the remaining details of sth完成;处理完We are hoping to tie up the deal by tomorrow.我们希望明天前完成这一笔交易。I went to the office for an hour to tie up some loose ends (= finish remaining small jobs).我去了办公室,用一个小时的时间将未了结的零星事务处理完。to keep sth in use so that it cannot be used for other things占用I was using the Internet, so the phone line was tied up.我正在上网,所以电话占线了。ˌtie ˈup with sb/sthto be linked to sth such as another company and work together on sth与…联合Big insurance companies are competing to tie up with banks.各大保险公司正争相与银行合作。 tie-up noun





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