

单词 time
释义 time /taɪm/


[] what is measured in minutes, hours, days, etc.(以分钟、小时、天等计量的)时间Revenue will increase over time (= as time passes).收入将随时间的推移而增加。 [] the time shown on a clock(钟表所显示的)时间The time is now half past ten.现在是十点半。Look at the time! I didn't know it was so late.看几点了!我没想到这么晚了。 [] the time in a particular part of the world(某一地区的)时,时间Greenwich Mean Time格林威治标准时间We land at 6 o'clock local time.我们在当地时间 6 点着陆。 [, ] the time when sth happens or when sth should happen(某事发生或应该发生的)时间,时候Can we change the time of the meeting to 14.30?我们能不能将会议时间改在 14:30? [] an amount of time; the amount of time available to work, rest, etc.(可用于工作、休息等的)时间I don't have much free/spare time.我没有多少空余时间。She always makes time to meet new employees.她总是腾出时间会见新雇员。It takes time (= needs a long time) to make changes.修改要花很长时间。What a waste of time!太浪费时间了! time off a time [] a period of time, either long or short, during which you do sth or sth happens(一段)时间It would take a long time to redesign the layout.重新设计布局需要很长时间。 [] an occasion when you do sth or sth happens次;回How many times have you visited the factory?你来过这家工厂多少次了?This is the first time that I've been to London.这是我第一次来伦敦。 against ˈtimeif you do sth against time, you do it as fast as you can because you do not have much time争分夺秒;抢时间We're working against time to get the project finished.我们为完成项目正在加紧工作。ahead of/behind ˈtimeearlier/later than was expected提前;拖后We finished three months ahead of time.我们提前三个月完成。all the ˈtime the whole ˈtimeduring the whole of a particular period of time(在某段时间内)一直,始终We are working on new products all the time.我们一直在研发新产品。very often; repeatedly经常;老是;总是The photocopier breaks down all the time.这台复印机总是出毛病。at all ˈtimesalways总是;永远;随时A hard hat must be worn at all times on site.在现场必须始终戴着安全帽。at a ˈtimeseparately or in groups of a particular number on each occasion每次;逐一;依次We process the photographs in batches of several hundred at a time.我们一次加工数百张照片。in good ˈtimeearly; with enough time so you are not in a hurry及早;有足够的时间I made sure I arrived in good time for the interview.我确保自己准时赶上了面试。in ˈtime (for sth/to do sth)not late; with enough time to be able to do sth来得及;及时Will we be in time for the six o'clock train?我们来得及赶上六点钟的火车吗?The division was sold just in time to save the company from bankruptcy.这个部门被及时出售,挽救了濒临破产的公司。keep up/move with the ˈtimesto change and develop your ideas, way of working, etc. so that you do what is modern and what is expected跟上时代;与时俱进make up for lost ˈtimeto do sth quickly because you wish you had started it earlier or had worked more quickly补回失去的时间;弥补耽误的时间The new company is so creative it will soon make up for lost time.这家新公司很有创造力,它很快就会把耽误的时间补回来。ˌnine times out of ˈten ˌninety-nine times out of a ˈhundredused to say that sth is usually true or almost always happens十有八九;几乎总是on ˈtimeat the correct time准时Nearly 90% of flights arrived on time.将近 90% 的航班准时到达了。We have a good record for on-time delivery.我们有准时交货的良好记录。time is ˈmoneytime is valuable, and should not be wasted时间就是金钱the whole ˈtime


all the time   idiom at mark verb, push verb, run verb, stand verb, take verb closing time comp time cycle time dead time double time drive time dwell time face time idle time just-in-time lead time lost time prime time real time response time run-time short time standard time




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