

单词 top
释义 top /tɒp; NAmE tɑːp/


[] (-pp-) to be higher than a particular amount高于,超过(某一数量)Their market share topped 20% in May.他们五月份的市场份额超过 20%。to be in the highest position on a list because you are the most successful, important, etc.居…之首;为…之冠The company again topped the list of best performers.这家公司在业绩最佳企业中再次高居榜首。to do or say sth that is better, more impressive, etc. than sth that sb else did or said优于,胜过,压倒(前人所做)I'm afraid the other company has topped your offer (= offered more money).恐怕另一家公司报价比你们高。 ˌtop ˈout (at sth)if sth tops out at a particular price, speed, etc. it does not rise any higher(价格、速度等)达到顶点,到最高点Sales topped out at a record $10 billion.销售额达到了创纪录的 100 亿元这个最高点。ˌtop sth ˈupto increase the amount of sth to the level you want or need补足;将…增加到所需的量The group's cash flow will be topped up by the proceeds from the sale of its publishing business.集团的现金流靠出售出版部门的收益补充。





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