

单词 trade
释义 trade /treɪd/


[] the activity of buying and selling or of exchanging goods or services between people or countries贸易;商业;交易;买卖Trade between the two countries has increased.两国之间的贸易增加了。global trade in electronic equipment全球电子设备贸易The US was accused of unfair trade practices.美国被指控采取了不公平的贸易做法。 [] a particular type of business行业;职业;生意It has been a bad year for the retail trade.对零售业来说过去一年可不是好年成。the building/tourist trade建筑/旅游业the trade [] a particular area of business and the people or companies that are connected with it同业;同行;同仁In the trade, this sort of computer is called a ‘client-based system’.在业内,这种计算机被称为“客户端系统”。a trade magazine/journal行业杂志/期刊 [] the amount of goods or services that you sell营业额;交易量Trade was very good last month.上个月的交易量很大。Domestic companies are losing trade to foreign importers.国内公司的生意正被外国进口商夺走。 [, ] a job, especially one that involves working with your hands and that requires special training and skills(尤指手工)职业;手艺;行当He's a designer by trade.他的职业是设计师。to learn a trade学手艺 () [; , ] buying and selling on a stock exchange; one act of doing this(证券的)交易,买卖The share price fell 30% in early afternoon trade.股价午后下跌了 30%。a 20% reduction in daily trades on the stock exchange证券交易所的日交易额 20% 的下跌   idiom at ply , roaring balance of trade fair trade free trade insider trade invisible trade passing trade stock-in-trade terms of trade visible trade trade / business / industry <chn/>These words are combined with other nouns to describe particular areas of commercial activity, but they tend to be used in different contexts. 这些词与其他名词搭配使用来指特定领域的商业活动,但它们的使用场合有所不同。Business is often used when talking about the activities of particular individuals or companies. * business 通常指个别人或公司的活动I always knew I wanted to work in the restaurant business. 我知道自己一直想从事餐饮业。The company has returned to what it knows best: the car business. 公司重新回到了自己最擅长的领域:汽车业。Industry is common when talking about the economy. * industry 常在谈论经济时使用The country is trying to rebuild its oil industry. 该国正努力重建石油产业。Trade is combined with only a small number of nouns. It is used especially about traditional types of business, for example. * trade 仅与少量名词搭配,尤指传统行业的商业行为,如the art/book trade 艺术品/图书行业the retail trade (= running a shop/store, supermarket, etc.) 零售业It is also the word used when describing illegal forms of business. 此外,trade 也用于指非法交易the illegal diamonds/drugs trade 非法钻石/毒品交易   See note at business 参见 business。





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