

单词 trade balance
释义 ˌbalance of ˈtrade ( ˈtrade ˌbalance, ˌvisible ˈbalance)


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() the difference in value between imports and exports of goods over a particular period国际贸易差额,贸易收支差额(一个国家在一定时期内的货物进出口差额);贸易收支If we sell more than we buy, we have a favourable balance of trade.如果我们多卖少买,我们就会有贸易顺差。a balance-of-trade deficit (= when a country spends more on imports than it earns from exports) 贸易收支逆差(一国进口超过出口)The balance of trade is an important part of a country's balance of payments .贸易收支是一国国际收支(balance of payments)的重要组成部分。 visible trade balance of trade / balance of payments <chn/>A country's balance of trade includes imports and exports of goods only. Its balance of payments considers all business with other countries: imports and exports of goods, and money earned from or paid for services and investments, such as tourism or shares in companies. 一国的贸易差额(balance of trade)仅包括货物的进出口。国际收支(balance of payments)则涵盖了与别国的所有交易:货物进出口以及服务和投资收支情况,如旅游业或公司股权。




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