done willingly, not because you are forced自愿的;自发的◆Where possible, redundancy should be on a voluntary basis.如果可能的话,精简人员应当建立在自愿基础上。◆These pollution controls rely on voluntary action by business.这些污染控制取决于企业的自发行为。◆to pay voluntary contributions into a pension fund自愿缴存退休金OPPcompulsory , involuntary [] (about work) done by people who choose to do it without being paid(工作)志愿者的◆Large numbers of young people are involved in voluntary work in the community.许多年轻人参与社区的志愿者工作。(about a person or an organization) doing a job without wanting to be paid for it(人或组织)志愿的◆the voluntary sector(= organizations which help people and which do not make a profit, for example charities)志愿部门(慈善机构等服务公众的非营利性组织)⨁voluntary groups / organizations / services志愿团体/组织/服务⨁voluntary labour / workers义工