

单词 work
释义 work /wɜːk; NAmE wɜːrk/


[] the job that a person does工作I'm looking for work.我在找工作。I started work as soon as I left school.我一离开学校就开始工作了。(BrE) Official figures show that the number of people in work (= who have a job) has risen by 65 000 this year.官方数字显示今年在业人口增加了 6.5 万人。What line of work are you in (= what type of work do you do)?你在哪个行业工作? SYN employment   see note at job full-time / part-time / permanent / regular / temporary work全职/兼职/固定/正式/临时工作 paid / unpaid / voluntary work有薪/无偿/志愿工作 badly paid / well-paid work收入很低的/收入很高的工作 to find / get / look for / seek work找到工作;找工作 to give up / go back to / return to / start work辞职;重返岗位;恢复/开始工作 [] (used without the 不与 the 连用) the place where you do your job工作地点I go to work at 8 a.m.我早上 8 点去上班。She had to leave work early today.她今天必须提前下班。The new legislation concerns health and safety at work.新法规涉及到工作场所的健康和安全问题。to go to / leave work去上班;下班 (be) at / off work在上班;下班 [] the duties that you have and the activities that you do as part of your job工作;工作职责;工作内容The accountant described his work to the sales staff.会计向销售人员介绍了他的工作职责。Do you enjoy your work?你喜欢自己的工作吗?Power-plant work is hard, dangerous and often boring.发电厂的工作很辛苦、危险而且常常很乏味。Who handles the day-to-day work of the department?谁负责部门的日常工作?What time do you finish work today?你今天几点下班?administrative / clerical / factory / office / secretarial work行政/文书/工厂/办公室/秘书工作 to do / produce / take on / undertake work做/做出/承担/从事工作 to begin / finish / start / stop work开始/完成工作;开工;收工 [] tasks that need to be done活儿;任务I have some work for you to do.我有些工作交给你做。Pressure of work forced him to cancel his trip.工作压力迫使他取消了这次旅行。We have a lot of work on at the moment.我们目前有很多工作要做。to take on / do / have / undertake work承担/做/有/从事工作 [] materials needed or used for doing work, especially books, papers, etc.(尤指书、纸张等)工作所需的材料;活儿She often brings work home with her.她经常把活儿带回家去做。 [] activity that uses physical strength or mental power in order to do or make sth劳动;工作She got her promotion through sheer hard work.她的提升完全是通过辛勤工作得来的。We started work on the project two years ago.我们两年前就开始干这个项目了。to carry out / put in work开展/投入工作 to complete / halt / start / stop work完成/中断/开始/停止工作 [] a thing or things that are produced as a result of work工作成果;成品She did her best work before she was 30.她 30 岁以前就做出了最佳作品。His work is always faultless.他的工作总是完美无缺。The analysis is an impressive piece of work.这一分析令人印象深刻。bad / good / innovative / major / outstanding work差的/好的/创新的/重要的/出色的作品 [] the result of an action; what is done by sb结果;所做的事The report was the work of the company's production manager.这份报告是公司生产经理写的。works [] (often used with other nouns 常与其他名词连用) activities involving building or repairing sth工程engineering works工程roadworks道路工程works [] ( works) (often used with other nouns 常与其他名词连用) a place where things are made or industrial processes are carried out工厂;工场an engineering works机械制造厂waterworks自来水厂   see note at factory a cement / chemical / gas / steel works水泥/化工/天然气/钢铁厂 to open / close (down) / shut down a works开厂;关闭工厂 the works close (down) / open工厂关闭/开业 the works canteen / foreman / manager / supervisor工厂餐厅/领班;厂长;工厂监督员 the works [] () the moving parts of a machine, etc.活动部件;机件 SYN mechanism at ˈwork (on sth)busy doing sth在工作Everybody is hard at work on the new project.每个人都在努力忙于新项目。get (down) to/set to ˈworkto begin; to make a start开始工作in the ˈworkssomething that is in the works is being discussed, planned or prepared and will happen or exist soon酝酿中   idiom at dirty , job noun, light assignment work contingent work make-work out of work welfare to work





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