

单词 work
释义 work /wɜːk; NAmE wɜːrk/


[] to have a job工作;有工作Both my parents work.我父母都有工作。Do you work full-time or part-time?你的工作是全职还是兼职?She works for an engineering company.她在一家工程公司工作。He works as a programmer.他是程序员。 [] to do sth that involves physical or mental effort, especially as part of your job工作;做;干You've been working too hard. Take a break.你工作太辛苦了。休息一下吧。My boss works very long hours.我的老板工作时间很长。What project are you working on?你在做什么项目?We need to work at improving customer service.我们必须致力于改进客户服务。 [] to make efforts to achieve sth努力实现We're working hard to find a solution to the problem.我们在努力寻求解决这个问题的办法。 [] to make yourself/sb work, especially very hard使自己或某人工作(尤指努力工作)She works her staff hard and pays them well.她让员工工作很辛苦但支付的薪水也颇高。 [] to manage or operate sth in order to gain benefit from it管理;经营Some of the sales reps have to work a very large area.有些销售代表不得不管理很大的区域。 [] to function; to operate运转;运行My phone isn't working.我的电话坏了。The new search engine works well.这一新搜索引擎很好用。The article examines how companies work.这篇文章探讨的是公司的营运方式。 [] to make a machine, device, etc. operate操作(机器、装置等)teaching customers how to work a VCR教顾客如何操作录像机The machine is worked by wind power.这台机器由风能推动。 [] to have the result or effect that you want起作用;奏效Our plan didn't work.我们的计划没有奏效。The new informal meetings just aren't working.新的非正式会议根本就没有效果。We think the new appraisal system works well.我们认为新评估体系效果很好。 [] to have a particular effect有特定影响The fact that he is so young could work against him.他太年轻这个事实可能会给他带来不利影响。The strength of the local currency worked in our favour.坚挺的当地货币对我们有利。 [] to move or pass to a particular place or state, usually gradually(通常指逐步地)移动到某地点,达到某状态She worked her way from sales assistant to senior manager.她从售货员一直干到高级经理。 ˈwork it/things () to arrange sth in a particular way, especially by being clever(通常技巧地以特定方式)安排事情I managed to work it so that I could have a day free for sightseeing.我设法巧做安排,所以我有了一天空闲时间用于观光。work to ˈruleto follow the rules of your job in a very strict way in order to cause delay, as a form of protest against your employer or your working conditions按章怠工;变相罢工 work-to-rule   idiom at advantage , ground noun, long ˌwork ˈout to develop in a successful way成功发展My first job didn't work out.我的第一份工作没干好。ˌwork ˈout (at sth)if sth works out at sth, you calculate that it will be a particular amount计算出That works out at almost $500.那个算出来差不多是 500 元。It would work out cheaper to fly.算一算坐飞机要便宜些。ˌwork sth ˈoutto calculate an amount or the cost of sth计算出(某物的金额或成本)We need to work out how much it will cost.我们得计算出其成本。to find the answer to sth; to solve sth解答;解决I finally worked out what the problem was.我终于找到了问题症结。to plan or think of sth计划;想到Have you worked out the best way to do it?你想出做这件事的最佳方法了吗? SYN figure sth out ˈwork to sthto follow a plan, timetable , etc.(按计划、时间表等)办事to work to a budget按预算办事We're working to a very tight deadline (= we have little time in which to do the work).我们的时间非常紧。ˈwork towards sthto try to reach or achieve a goal努力达到;设法实现We're working towards a profit of $2 million this year.我们今年将努力实现 200 万元的利润。ˌwork sth ˈupto spend time developing sth制作to work up a business plan制订一份商业计划





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