

单词 business
释义 business /ˈbɪznəs/


[] the activity of making, buying, selling or supplying goods or services for money商业;买卖;生意;交易She works in the computer business.她做计算机生意。She has set up in business as a hairdresser.她已经开店当上了理发师。He has business interests on both sides of the Atlantic.他在大西洋两岸都有商业利益。The prime minister addressed the audience of business leaders and economists.首相向在座的商界领袖和经济学家发表讲话。It's been a pleasure to do business with you.和你做生意很高兴。 commerce , trade to go into / set up in business经商;创业 business activities / affairs / dealings / interests商业活动/事务/交易/利益 a business analyst / consultant / executive / guru / leader / manager业务分析员/顾问/主管/专家/领导/经理 a business deal / transaction商业买卖/交易 a business contact / partner / relationship业务联系/伙伴/关系 a business idea / investment / proposition / venture商业构思/投资/计划/投机 [] work that is part of your job商务;公事;事务Is your trip business or pleasure?你这次旅行是公干还是游玩?Mr Castorri is away on business.卡斯托瑞先生出差去了。business travel公务旅行 business lunch , business trip [] the amount of work done by a company, etc.; the rate or quality of this work营业额;贸易额;业务表现Business was bad.生意不好。Business was booming.生意兴隆。Her job was to drum up (= increase) business.她的工作是提高营业额。The opportunity to grow business in Europe would be slow and challenging.扩大欧洲贸易规模的机会可能不会很快到来,而且会荆棘满途。business is bad / booming / brisk / slow生意不好/兴隆/红火/增长缓慢 to drum up / grow / increase business提高/增加/提高营业额 to attract / encourage / generate / seek / win new business吸引/鼓励/创造/寻找/赢得新的生意 [] a commercial organization such as a company, shop/store or factory商业机构They run their own catering business.他们经营自己的餐饮店铺。She didn't want to work in the family business.她不想在家族企业工作。It has taken ten years to build up the business to its current size.将企业建成现在的规模花了十年的时间。business premises商务场址   see note at trade to have / manage / run / set up / start a business拥有/管理/经营/建立/开办企业 to build up / expand / grow a business建立/扩大/扩大企业 [] important matters that need to be dealt with or discussed(需要处理或讨论的)重要事情the main business of the meeting会议的主要议题 any other business [] the fact of being a customer消费We're grateful for your business.感谢您光顾本店。 SYN custom [] something that concerns a particular person or organization职责;责任She made it her business to improve the general atmosphere in the office.她亲自改善办公室的总体气氛。 business as ˈusuala way of saying that things will continue as normal in spite of a difficult situation(尽管处境艰难)一切照常We're under new management, but it's business as usual for our workers.我们的管理层发生了变动,但是对我们的工人来说一切照旧。ˌbusiness is ˈbusinessa way of saying that financial and commercial matters are the important things to consider and you should not be influenced by friendship, etc.公事公办get down to ˈbusinessto start dealing with the matter that needs to be dealt with, or doing the work that needs to be done着手处理正事;认真着手工作go/put sb out of ˈbusinessto stop or to make sb stop operating as a business because there is no more money or work available停业;歇业The new regulations will put many small firms out of business.新法规将使许多小公司倒闭。   see note at bankrupt in ˈbusinessto be operating as a business经营The loan will help the company remain in business.这笔贷款将有助公司继续经营。to have everything that you need in order to be able to start sth immediately准备就绪All we need is a van and we'll be in business.我们所需要的只是一辆客货车,然后我们就准备妥当了。   idiom at land office , order noun any other business big business e-business first order of business organizing business small business volume business business / agency / company / consultancy / firm / house <chn/>Business is used especially to mean a business that is owned by an individual or family. * business 尤指个人或家族拥有的企业to start your own business 自主创业a small family business 小型家族企业Company is the general word for a business with a number of managers and employees. * company 是拥有若干管理人员和雇员的企业的总称to join a company 加入某公司the director of the company 公司董事 The word is often combined with other nouns. 这词通常与其他名词搭配使用an insurance/oil/a phone company 保险/石油/电话公司Firm is the general word for a business that provides a professional service. * firm 是提供专业服务的公司的总称an accountancy/a law firm 会计/律师事务所Other words, such as consultancy, agency and house, are used in fewer contexts. Nouns that are often combined with these words include * consultancy、angency、house 等词使用场合不多。与这些词汇搭配的名词有:a design/IT/management consultancy 设计/信息技术/管理谘询公司an advertising/employment agency 广告公司;职业介绍所a publishing/software house 出版社;软件开发公司an auction house 拍卖行 trade




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