

单词 chairman
释义 chairman /ˈtʃeəmən; NAmE ˈtʃer-/


[] ( chairmen /-mən/) ( ˌchairman of the ˈboard) the person who leads a company's board of directors 主席;董事长She was the founder, chairman and CEO of the company.她是公司的创办人、董事长兼首席执行官。He serves as non-executive chairman (= he is not involved in running the company on a daily basis).他出任非执行主席。the outgoing chairman (= the one who is about to leave the company) 即将离任的董事长He stepped down as Vivendi's vice chairman.他卸任了维旺迪公司副董事长一职。 president (1) to be promoted to / serve as chairman晋升/担任董事长 to appoint sb (as) / elect sb / make sb chairman任命/选举/使某人成为董事长 to resign / retire / step down as chairman辞去董事长职位;从董事长职位退下来;卸任董事长一职 the head of an official committee or organization(官方委员会或组织机构的)主席,会长the chairman of the British Medical Association英国医学协会会长to appoint sb (as) / elect sb / make sb / serve as chairman指定/选举/任命某人为主席;担任主席 to resign / retire / stepdown as chairman辞去主席职位;从主席职位退下来;卸任主席一职 an acting chairman代理主席 the person in charge of a meeting, who tells people when they can speak, etc.(会议的)主席,主持人The chairman opened the meeting by welcoming those present.会议主席欢迎来宾,作为会议的开始。She was elected chairman at the committee's first meeting.她在委员会的第一次会议上获推选为会议主席。to appoint sb (as) / make sb chairman指定/任命(某人)为会议主席 executive chairman Referring to men and women in job titles <chn/>Neutral words like assistant, worker, representative or person are now used instead of -man and -woman in the names of jobs. For example, you can refer to a person who sells things in a shop/store as a sales assistant rather than a saleswoman or a salesman, and you can use chairperson instead of chairman or chairwoman. 现在,assistant、worker、representative 或 person 等中性词被用来代替职位中的 -man 和 -woman。例如,商店里的售货员可称为 sales assistant,而不是 saleswoman 或 salesman。同样,“主席”可称为 chairperson,而不是 chairman 或 chairwoman。




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