

单词 claim
释义 claim /kleɪm/


[] () ( inˈsurance claim) a request that you make to an insurance company for an amount of money to be paid for loss or damage for which you are insured(保险)索赔You can make a claim on your insurance policy.你可以根据保险单提出索赔。We're putting in an insurance claim for flood damage.我们正提出洪涝灾害的保险索赔。The insurer has decided to settle (= pay) the claim.保险公司已决定理赔。to make / put in / submit a claim提出索赔 to pay / refuse / settle a claim支付/拒绝/处理索赔 a request for money that you believe you have a legal right to from the government, an official organization or a company(尤指向政府、官方机构或公司)索款,索赔claims for unemployment benefits申领失业补助金的要求Make sure your claims for expenses (= money you have spent while working for your company) are submitted by the end of the month.你的公干费用要在月底前办理报销。disability / jobless / unemployment claims残疾/无业/失业补助金的申领 to file / make / submit a claim提出索赔 to deal with / pay / refuse a claim处理/支付/拒绝索赔 () a demand for sth that you make by starting a court case(通过法庭诉讼)索赔She has filed a claim against the company for breach of contract.她因公司违反合同提出索赔。a claim for unfair dismissal (= from a job) 对不公正解雇的索赔They have offered to settle the claim (= agree on the amount to be paid without going to court).他们已答应解决索赔问题(同意支付索赔金额,而不诉诸法院)。to bring / file / make a claim提出索赔 to allow / uphold a claim同意/支持索赔 to dismiss / reject / strike out a claim驳回/拒绝/不受理索赔 a legal right that sb believes they have to sth, especially property, land, etc.(尤指对财产、土地等要求拥有的)所有权The company's claim to the oil fields has been contested.公司对这些油田的所有权已受到质疑。to have a claim on/to sth对某事物提出所有权(权利)要求 () a statement about the nature or quality of a product, that may not be true声明;宣称;断言The company has been ordered to correct its false and misleading advertising claims.公司已被责令纠正其虚假和有误导性的广告宣传。to make a claim发表声明 counterclaim baggage claim expenses claim pay claim priority claim small claim statement of claim





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