

单词 clean
释义 clean /kliːn/


clean ˈhouse to make a company, an organization, etc. more honest and efficient, for example by removing people or things that are not necessary or not wanted清理门户(裁掉不必要的人或丢弃不需要的东西)ˌclean up your ˈact () to start behaving in a moral or responsible way改邪归正;重新做人The call centre industry is trying to clean up its act and improve working conditions for staff.呼叫中心行业正试图修正自己行业的做法,改善员工的工作条件。 ˌclean sb ˈout () to use all of sb/sth's money用光…的钱Paying the fine cleaned me out.支付罚金把我的钱花得一干二净。ˌclean sth ˈoutto make the inside of sth very clean or empty, for example by removing things you do not want or need将(某物)内部彻底打扫干净Staff were given no time to clean out their desks.工作人员没有时间彻底清理自己的办公桌。(figurative) She's cleaned out her bank account (= taken all the money out of it).她将银行账户里的钱全部取了出来。ˌclean sth ˈupto remove crime and immoral behaviour from a place or an activity清除,整顿(某地或某活动中的犯罪和不道德行为)The industry needs to clean up its image.这行业的形象需要改善。 () to make sth financially stronger; to reduce the amount of debt使…财力更强;减少债务He cleaned up the group by getting rid of loss-making activities.他通过摈弃亏损业务使集团的财力更雄厚。to remove harmful substances from a river, piece of land, building, etc.清理,清除(河流、土地、建筑物等中的有害物质)cleaning up chemical spills清理化学物品泄漏 clean-up





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