

单词 clear
释义 clear /klɪə(r); NAmE klɪr/


[] to give or get official approval for sth to be done批准;准许His appointment had been cleared by the board.他的任命已获董事会批准。I'll have to clear it with the manager before I can refund your money.我要得到经理批准之后才能退款给你。The drug has been cleared for use in the US.这药物已获准在美国使用。 [] to prove that sb is innocent证明无罪(或无辜)She has been cleared of all charges against her.对她的所有指控已被撤销。 () [] clear (out) sth to sell all the goods that you have available售完The store is trying to clear its stock of winter clothes.商店正努力售出所有冬装存货。The company has dropped its prices in an attempt to clear out its inventory (= its supply of products).公司降价以清理库存的货品。 [] to remove sth that is not wanted from a place搬走,清除(不需要的东西)(figurative) clearing bad debts from the company's books (= financial records) 清理公司财务记录上的坏账Clear the screen (= computer screen) and start again.清理计算机屏幕,然后重新启动。 [] if a cheque that you pay into your bank account clears, or a bank clears it, the money is available for you to use兑现(支票)Cheques usually take three working days to clear.兑现支票通常需要三个工作日。 () [] to calculate the total amount of money and the numbers of shares, etc. that investors have agreed to exchange on a particular date, in order to arrange the transfer of the money, shares, etc. between them清算Only certain members of the stock exchange are authorized to clear trades.只有股票交易所的某些成员获授权进行清算交易。 clearing settle () [] to give official permission for goods to leave or enter a place批准(货物)离境(或入境);为(货物)清关to clear goods through customs为货物清关 [] to gain or earn an amount of money as profit获利;净赚She cleared €2 000 on the deal.她在那笔交易中净赚了 2 000 欧元。 () [] if you clear a debt or a loan, you pay all the money back清偿(债务) [] to decide officially, after finding out information about sb, that they can be given special work or allowed to see secret papers(经审查后)正式批准(某人)做机要工作(或阅读机密文件)She hasn't been cleared by security.她未获安全部门批准做机要工作。 clear your ˈdesk ( clear out your ˈdesk) to remove everything from your desk at work because you are leaving your job(离职前)将办公桌清理干净She was fired on the spot and given an hour to clear her desk.她当场被辞退,有一小时清理办公桌。to finish the work that you need to do完成(工作)He was desperately trying to clear his desk so he could get home.他正竭尽全力完成工作,这样他就可以回家了。




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