

单词 abandon
释义 abandon /əˈbændən/


[] to stop doing sth, especially before it is finished; to stop having or using sth放弃;抛弃The group has been forced to abandon its plan to raise capacity by 8%.这集团被迫放弃提高生产能力 8% 的计划。The company was abandoned by many of its customers.这公司被众多顾客抛弃了。 () to give up the legal ownership of sth, such as a ship or cargo that has been damaged, to an insurance company in exchange for an insurance payment, especially when the cost of repairing it is more than its total value委付,放弃(某物的法定所有权,如将受损船只或货物的法定所有权委付给保险公司以取得保险赔偿,尤其当修理费超过该物的总值时) () to stop trying to make a claim in a court放弃,撤回(在法院的索赔要求)The claim was abandoned with the permission of the court.经法庭许可,索赔要求已经撤回。 abandonment /əˈbændənmənt/


  idiom at ship




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