

单词 collect
释义 collect /kəˈlekt/


[] to obtain money that is owed; to be paid收(欠款)The rent is collected from tenants at the end of each month.每月底向住户收取租金。The dealer collects a small fee for every trade.经销商对每一笔买卖收取少量费用。to collect debts / fees / payments / rent / taxes讨债;收费/款/租金;征税 [] to bring things together from different people or places收集;采集We collected the data from interviews with customers.我们从访谈的顾客那里收集资料。to collect data / evidence / information / statistics收集资料/证据/信息/统计资料 () [] (about a bank) to receive a cheque and arrange for the money to be paid from the bank account of the person or company who wrote it(指银行)兑现(支票)The bank collected the cheque without checking the name of the payee.银行未核对收款人姓名即兑现了支票。the collecting bank 托收行 () [] to get sb/sth to pay back the money that they owe收款;收账He's come to collect.他前来收款。Creditors often find it hard to collect on their debts.债权人常常认为难以收回欠债。




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