

单词 copy
释义 copy /ˈkɒpi; NAmE ˈkɑːpi/


( copies) [] one of a number of books, newspapers, pieces of software, etc. that have been produced and are the same(书、报纸、软件等的)一本,一册,一份a copy of The Financial Times一份《金融时报》The book has sold more than 8 million copies worldwide.这书在全球已售出 800 多万册。 [] a document or computer file that is the same as an original from which it is made复印件;拷贝Please make two copies of the letter for the files.请将信复印两份存档。 a backup copy of the disk (= to be used if you lose the original) 磁盘的一个复制备份 SYN duplicate photocopy nounto keep / make / print (out) a copy保存/制作/打印复印件 [] a product that is made to be the same as or very similar to another product, especially when this is done illegally(尤指非法的)仿制品a bootleg copy of a CD 光盘的一个非法拷贝 bootleg , pirate () [] written material that is to be printed or used in an advertisement(打印或用于广告的)稿件,广告词This will make great copy for the ad.这广告词将会十分适用于这则广告。 copywriter advance copy attested copy body copy carbon copy certified copy hard copy knocking copy proof copy Copies of products <chn/>Products that are similar to popular brands 畅销品牌的仿制品They're developing a copycat version of the drug. 他们在仿制那种药品。It's difficult to compete in a crowded market with a me-too product. 依靠仿制品在竞争激烈的市场上是很难取胜的。a knock-off designer handbag 仿名牌手包Illegal copies of software, CDs, videos, etc. 盗版软件、激光唱片、录影带等a stall selling bootleg CDs 出售盗版光碟的摊位pirated/pirate copies of American movies 美国电影的盗版制品illegal/unauthorized/unlicensed copies of the software 非法复制的/未经授权的软件





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