

单词 cost
释义 cost /kɒst; NAmE kɔːst/


[, ] the amount of money that you need in order to buy, make or do sth费用;价钱;花费The airport was built at a cost of $5.3 billion.这机场是花费了 53 亿元兴建的。the high cost of fuel燃料的高昂费用Business should bear the full cost of developing greener energy sources. 企业应承担开发更环保的能源的全部费用。The total cost to you is €2 000.你的总费用是 2 000 欧元。proposals to cut the costs of calling mobile phones削减打手机费用的建议   see note at price an additional / average / a high / low cost额外/平均/高/低费用 the budgeted / estimated / full / gross / net / total cost(s)预算/估计/全部/总/净/全部费用 an annual / a monthly cost年/月费 to absorb / bear / cover / incur / meet / pay the cost(s) (of sth)承担(某事物的)费用;支付(某事物的)费用 to cut / increase / raise / reduce the cost(s) (of sth)削减/增加/提高/降低(某事物的)费用 to calculate / weigh up the cost(s) (of sth)计算/斟酌(某事物的)费用 costs [] the amount of money that a business needs to spend regularly成本We are working with suppliers to cut costs by 30%.我们正与供应商商量将成本削减 30%。They have stopped manufacturing in the UK due to high labour costs.由于劳动力成本高昂,他们已停止在英国制造。the costs associated with launching a new line of clothing与推出新系列服装有关的成本 cost-cutting to cut / lower / reduce / slash costs削减/降低/减少/大幅度降低成本 to contain / control / pay costs控制/支付成本 to keep costs down / low / under control降低成本;控制成本 high / escalating / increasing / mounting / rising costs高昂的/逐渐增加的/不断提高的/不断增加的/持续上涨的成本 falling / low costs不断降低的/低成本 labour / manufacturing / production costs劳动力/制造/生产成本 () [] a large amount of money that a company has to pay, which affects its financial results(公司必须支付的)成本,费用,开支The figure will be treated as an extraordinary cost (= not connected with normal business activities) in the profit-and-loss account for 2005. 在 2005 年的损益账上,这数字将被作为非经常成本(与正常商务活动无关的成本)来处理。Profits fell by 7% before (= without considering) exceptional costs.若不考虑特殊费用,利润下降了 7%。 [] the amount of money that is paid to produce sth; the price that sb pays for goods they are going to sell(生产)成本;成本价Sales of computers dropped 30% and manufacturers were forced to sell their products below cost.计算机销售量下降了 30%,厂商被迫低于成本出售产品。The group has offered to provide the drugs to developing nations at cost.集团主动提出按成本价向发展中国家提供药品。 SYN cost price () costs ( ˈcourt costs) [] the amount of money that sb is ordered or agrees to pay for lawyers, etc. in a legal case诉讼费用The defendant was ordered to pay €5 000 in costs.被告被责令缴纳 5 000 欧元诉讼费。 acquisition cost conversion cost current cost customer acquisition cost depreciated cost direct cost employment costs factor cost factory cost first cost fixed cost hard costs high-cost historic cost historical cost holding cost indirect cost legal costs low-cost marginal cost operating cost opportunity cost prime cost replacement cost restructuring cost running cost selling cost social cost soft costs sunk cost transaction costs unit cost variable cost





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